PP - Paas Publications

Some publications by Steven Paas sr

Challenging Western Christian and Their Neighbours: Be Participants in the Mission of Jesus, At Home and Abroad, Eugene: Wipf & Stock, May 2020

Steven Paas, Challenging Western Christian and Their Neighbours: Be Participants in the Mission of Jesus, At Home and Abroad, Eugene: Wipf & Stock, May 2020.


- Review by Dr. Eddy Arthur, at Kouyanet, July 2020
or Arthur Eddie at Kouyanet 3-7-20.pdf

- Review by William H. Linscott, in: European Journal of Theology, vol. 30, No 2, 2021, [EJT2021.2.text.HR.pdf], p. 391-393
or William_Linscott_reviews_Challenging_Western_Christians.pdf

- Review by Eileen Quinn Knight, December 2021, Challenging Western Christians and Their Neighbors: Be participants in the mission of Jesus, at home (catholicprofiles.org)
or Eileen_Quinn_Knight_reviews_Challenging_Western_Christians.pdf

Added on 2020-07-16 13:49

Christian Zionism Examined, A Review of Ideas on Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom, Second Edition, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, February 2020 [ISBN 978-1-7252-5454-1]

Steven Paas, Christian Zionism Examined, A Review of Ideas on Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom, Second Edition, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, February 2020

ISBN 978-1-7252-5454-1


Review by Dr. Bob Wielenga, in: In die Skriflig/ In Luce Verbi 56 (1) 2022, ‘Is Christian Zionism a Heresy?’

Added on 2020-07-16 13:33

Johannes Rebman: A Servant of God in Africa Before the Rise of Western Colonialism, Bonn: VKW, 2018 [333 pages; ISBN 978-3-86269-152-4]

This study (originally VTR, 2011) has seen a new edition, revised and enlarged (May 2018), 333 pages, published by Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft (VKW) in Bonn, ISBN 978-3-86269-152-4. The book has been co-published by Wipf & Stock in the USA.

Order from:
-VKW: https://vkwonline.com/pages/kontakt
-German Bookstores, https://www.buchhandel.de/buch/Johannes-Rebmann-9783862691524
-Prof. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, drthschirrmacher@me.com

Rebmann was a mid-19th century German missionary who worked for the English Church Missionary Society (CMS) and was instrumental in starting the Church in the Mombasa region, East Africa. He compiled proto-lexicons in the Kinika and Kiswahili languages. Together with a Malawian (ex-) slave, Salimini, he made the first-ever lexicon in Chichewa, a very important language insouth-central Africa.

Find a summary of the Rebmann biography together with some reviews and lectures on the website of my Chichewa Dictionary Project. Click the button ‘Johannes Rebmann’: www.chichewadictionary.org


Linda S. Gottschalk, Review in: European Journal of Theology, 28-2 (2019), p.194-196

Added on 2018-05-18 15:47

Israelism and the Place of Christ: Christocentric Interpretation of Biblical Prophecy, LIT Verlag, Berlin, Munster, Vienna, Zurich, London, January 2018

This is a collection of essays on the phenomenon of Israelism. Recommended by Prof. Dr. Wido van Peursen (Professor of Old Testament at the Vrije Universiteit/ Free University in Amsterdam): ‘From the perspective of Christian theology, speaking about Israel not only touches on issues of international politics or social convictions but also on the core questions of faith and theology, such as: How does God relate to the peoples in this world? Does the dictum that with God there is no partiality apply only to individuals, or also to peoples? In other words: Does He still favour a people? How do we read the Bible? To what extent should we use the New Testament as a lens for the Old Testament? What is the place of Christ in theology? How far does salvation through Christ reach? Does it apply to Jews and non-Jews in the same way? Should Christians keep the Jewish festivals? What will be the place of the people of Israel in the future? These are important questions about the concept of God, hermeneutics, christology, soteriology, practical theology, and eschatology. Therefore, from a theological vantage point the subject of the collection of essays before you is extremely important.’

Table of Content

Preface I — Prof. Dr. Wido van Peursen
Preface II — Dr. Steven Paas
1. Introduction: The Bible and Israel — Rev. Dr. Steven Paas (Editor)
2. John Calvin on Israel and the Church from Acts — Rev. Dr. Erik van Alten
3. Israel’s Land in Relation to the New Creation — Prof. Dr. Gregory K. Beale
4. Christian Interpretation of Ezekiel’s Prophecies — Rev. Colin Chapman
5. The Times of Refreshing and Restoration of Everything — Dr. Bram Maljaars
6. The Restoration of Israel’s Kingdom — Rev. Joost van Meggelen
7. Israel, the Nations and the Mission of the Church — Dr. Duane Alexander Miller
8. ‘In Spirit and Truth’ — Prof. Dr. Theo Pleizier
9. Gnostic Traits of Israelism and Messianism — Prof. Dr. Raymond Potgieter
10. The Israel of God in Romans 11 — Rev. Dr. Owen Palmer Robertson
11. The Jewish Temple: Past, Present and Future — Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer
12. Zechariah 14: ‘Why not Take it Literally?’ — Rev. Dr. Jos M. Strengholt
13. Who are the Goyim? — Rev. Martin van Veelen


Rob Dalrymple, Review of: Israelism and the Place of Christ, May 2019

Alexander Stewart, Review in: Biblical Theology Bulletin, volume 50 -2020, p.101, 102

Added on 2018-01-11 16:28

Luther on Jews and Judaism: A Review of his \'Judenschriften\', Zürich: LIT Verlag, 2017

This a study of what and why Luther wrote about the Jews and the religion of Judaism, as part of his theological concept viewed as a whole.


Review by Fanie Riekert, Emeritus-professor Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State Bloemfontein, South Africa

Added on 2018-01-11 16:21

Christianity in Eurafrica: A History of the Church in Europe and Africa, [554 pages, illust.] Christian Literature Fund: Wellington (SA), 2016-03 [ISBN 978-1-86804-350-7]; New Academia Publishing: Washington DC, 2017-02 [ISBN 978-0-9981477-2-7]

This combined historical survey of European and African Christianity shows that nothing has bound Africa and Europe more together than the history of Christianity. From Paradise onwards the Church has been the communion of believers. As the Body of Jesus Christ she started in Jerusalem. Through the proclamation of the Gospel soon she reached parts of Africa and the Atlantic Coasts, from where – after the Middle Ages and particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries – she deeply rooted in Sub-Saharan Africa. Today, in post-modern times African Christianity is being challenged to re-plant the Church in secularized Europe.
As a textbook it fits in the curriculae of institutions of theological training in Africa and the West. The content is especially geared to students, who prepare for the ministry and for Christian education.

For Africa: Christian Literature Fund (CLF):

For outside Africa (Worldwide): New Academia Publishing (NAP):

Added on 2017-02-18 01:11

Oxford Chichewa Dictionary, fifth edition, Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 2016 [1158 pages.ISBN: 978-0-19-041659-1]

In 2016, Oxford University Press published a new updated print edition (5th) of our dictionary of Chichewa (also Chinyanja, spelled in Zambia as Cinyanja and in Mozambique as Cinianja). The book is being distributed among the more than 20 million users of the language in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa and elsewhere.

On 29 September 2016 in Lilongwe the official launch took place. The event was organised by OUP and its agent for Malawi Mrs Gaulphine Nyirenda of Maneno Books. One of the speakers was Professor Pascal Kishindo of the Centre for Language Studies of the University of Malawi. Dr. Raphael Agabu the Director of the Inspectorate and Advisory Services of the Malawi Ministry of Education, whose speech was read by his Deputy Dr. Jennings Kayira, emphasized that the book is a much needed tool for schools and in transcultural situations in the whole of Chichewa speaking Africa and its diaspora.


'Your language is God's creation': The author's speech at the launch:

Reported by the The Daily Times and The Nation-Fuko of Malawi:
Oxford University Press distributes the dictionary to its agents, who deliver quantities to booksellers in their countries in Africa, Europe, America and elsewhere.

-Malawi, Lilongwe: Maneno Bookshop, gaulphine@gmail.com
-Zambia, Lusaka: Gadsden Bookshop, Gadsden@zamnet.zm
-Zimbabwe, Harare: arj@schoolbooks4africa.com
-Mozambique, Academic Bookshop, imakda.corporate@gmail.com
-South Africa, OUPSA, za.orbissales@oup.com

-All other countries, OUPUK,

For the history of the Chichewa Dictionary Project, see: www.chichewadictionary.org
For the Online Chichewa Dictionary, see: http://translate.chichewadictionary.org

Added on 2017-02-17 01:13

Christian Zionism Examined: A Review of Ideas on Israel, the Church and the Kingdom, Nürnberg/ Hamburg: VTR/ RVB 2012 [short: CZE; 135 pages; ISBN 978-3-941750-86-9]

This book is about the movement of Christian Zionism or Israelism, and of the place of Israel in faith, theology and church. Study of the Scriptures and of Church History led me to this concept: Christian Zionism is a fascination with the people, the land and the religion of post-Biblical physical Israel, which particularly in its reactions against the shameful Holocaust events, in contradiction to Scripture, gives today’s physical and ethnic Israel key roles in the history and the order of salvation, thus decentralizing Christ and undermining the Church’s universal mission. The movement has distorted the pictures of Christianity and the Jewish religion and has failed to avoid antisemitism and philosemitism, despite its objective of combating the former.


Added on 2017-02-15 15:54

Thomas Aquinas on Church and Office, Zomba: Kachere, 2007 [24 pages; ISBN: 978-99908-87-01-3]

This essay aims at describing an aspect of the thoughts of Thomas Aquinas (1224 or 1225-1274). After more than seven centuries Thomas is still influential. The study of his ecclesiology can help to understand current discussions on Church and Office. Especially the Roman Catholic Church honours Thomas Aquinas and his heritage. Thomas’ thought has continued to be one of the pillars of Roman Catholic teaching. His ideas make clear why Rome defines the Church in terms of sacramentality as the channel of grace, with the priests as powerful administrators of the sacraments.

Added on 2018-01-08 17:03

Ministers and Elders: The Birth of Presbyterianism, Zomba: Kachere, 2007 [African Books Collective, ISBN 978-99908-87-02-0]

Jesus Christ is King of God’s Church. However, who governs the Church under Him? How is the Church to be ruled? How do these questions relate to the Word of God? The present book does not offer final answers to these questions, but tries to throw light on the historical context. The book has resulted from a research of the beginnings of the history of Presbyterian church-rule. It focuses on the Elizabethan era of the English Church, when Presbyterianism emerged as a reaction against autocratic one-man-rule on the one hand, and against ‘radical’ conceptions of rule-by-many on the other hand. Instead of these two extremes, Presbyterians liked the idea of church-rule by limited groups of office-bearers. Their adage was: ‘a few of the best rule the rest’.


Added on 2017-02-12 15:42

A Conflict on the Church and the Sacraments: How Rome and the Reformation Differed at Regensburg in 1541, Zomba: Kachere, 2006 [African Boks Collective, ISBN 99908-76-64-9/ 99908-76-60-6]

According to popular thought, it was the doctrine of Justification that divided Rome and the Reformation in the 16th century. However, in a wider theological concept the real breaking point was not the doctrine of Justification, but the issue of Church and Sacraments. The author drew this conclusion from his study of the last dramatic meeting between representatives of Rome and the Reformation in the German city of Regensburg in the year 1541. The issue of Church and Sacraments has remained important, also in the African context. Theology in African perspective needs an Ecclesiology which rests in Scripture and which therefore is significant to the specific features of African culture. May this representation of the thoughts developed by the participants of the Regensburg Disputation in 1541, be helpful in today’s discussion.


Added on 2017-02-10 15:43

Beliefs and Practices of Muslims: The Religion of our Neighbours, Zomba: Good Messenger Publications, 2006 [183 pages; ISBN 99908-909-2-7]

A brief survey of the history and the religious content of Islam.

Added on 2017-02-08 15:43

A Conflict on Authority in the Early African Church: Augustine and the Donatists, Zomba: Kachere, 2005/ first 2000 [African Books Collective, ISBN: 99908.76.07.X]

The ancient Church of North Africa still captures the imagination of many modern people. We wonder about its rapid original growth. We also wonder about the internal quarrels and schisms that contributed to its almost complete eradication. For more than a hundred years the North African Church was divided by the Donatist question. The bone of contention was the issue of authority and power of the office-bearers. Do church leaders derive their authority from their own characteristics or moral qualities? Does the Church depend on the holiness of its office-bearers? The Donatists thought so. And so do their followers of today, even in Africa. In this study the Donatists’ opinions are compared to views of some early African Church Fathers, especially Augustine.

Added on 2017-02-11 15:43

Digging out the Ancestral Church: Researching and Communicating Church History, Zomba: Kachere, third ed. 2006, first 2000, 2002 [114 pages; ISBN: 99908-76-66-5]

The study of Church History is important for students of Theology and for all other interested Christians. This book helps to understand the characteristics and the aims of Church History. It deals with the sources of knowledge of historical events, and with the sciences and tools that assist to discover them. Those who want to write theses or papers will be particularly interested in the chapters on the process of historical research, on the ways of communicating results of research, and on the presentation or organisation of scholarly publications. Special attention is given to the researching and communicating of Church History in an African context.


Added on 2017-02-09 15:40

The First Steps of a Servant of the Church of God: A Study Guide to 1 Samuel 1-4:1a, Zomba Theological College, 2000

This Bible study was first used by a group of students of Zomba Theological College, who were about to graduate, and as new ministers to go to their various congregations in Malawi. Graphics cover: Diane Cusick

Added on 2018-02-26 14:16